What is available at EUC?

It can help you when deciding about a degree course you are interested in taking, with indicators of the programme's quality and graduate employment outcomes.

What is available at EUC?

A browser to look up all recognised degree courses at universities and Arts higher education institutes in Catalonia.

over 500 bachelor's/first degrees
over 600 master's
over 180 doctoral degrees
11 Arts HE degrees

Quality assurance outcomes and reports.

Indicators for each degree course on graduate employment outcomes, satisfaction, access/admission and enrolment, drop-out rate, etc.

Quality labels that ensure the high standard of degree programmes:

Validation: this means that the course of study has successfully undergone an ex-ante accreditation procedure and authorisation given for the degree programme itself to be introduced.

Accreditation: this means that once the course of study has been introduced, it has successfully undergone the verification process, in the form of a site visit, which ensures that a programme is being delivered in accordance with the initial design submitted for the ex-ante accreditation procedure.
The quality label will either state "accreditation" or "accreditation with excellence".

Some programmes also obtain accreditation for additional dimensions to distinguish specialisation in one of the following areas:
Professional development and employment outcomes
Research-teaching linkages

Certain quality labels are also applicable to faculties and schools. These include:

Certification of the internal quality assurance system (IQAs):
This means that the faculty/school's IQAs is implemented and that the quality assurance of the programmes it delivers is ensured.

Institutional accreditation:
This provides for the accreditation of all recognised degree programmes delivered in a faculty/school for a period of five years, which is renewable.